We got started with a check-in word from each student. The words were by and large positive for a group of teenagers in first period. We played a warm-up game called emotional greetings. It started with having to be neutral and make eye contact without facial expression. Then the students created improvised dialogues based on scenarios (having a winning lottery ticket, losing the winning lottery ticket) and named the emotions that would felt in that situation. The kids showed they were a really healthy social network, able to switch and find partners easily. They had trouble controlling the giggles a bit, but not breaking character comes with practice.

Then Captian Roy took the helm and showed lots of ocean themed photos (Roy is a professional underwater videographer and avid conservationist. (Read more about Roy and all our collaborating artists in Our Team bios.) He taught the kids about different camera angles and POVs.
Then the young artists, in teams, were unleashed outside the classroom, with ipads in hand. Each team had a director, photographers and actors (the talent). They didn’t have much time, but they came back with some very provocative images, that can be seen below.

During our workshop today, we also had Elder Amanda and Marilyn Field present to provide some of their wisdom and knowledge. The students were encouraged to take Challenge Roles (like Time Keeper, Word Wall Keeper, Photo Collector (Thank you to the young man that accepted that challenge and sent these images!). They were reminded to use the video medium to create an identity for themselves. Amanda Elder emphasized that not all stories need to have sewn-up conclusions, but they can be left open in a way that provokes the audience to think.
In the closing circle, the students did another check-in with a word- which were decidedly enthusiastic about doing more photography and what would be coming next!